About the team


We are a team focused in solving Machine Learning challenges.

Leonardo Ramirez-LopezHead of Data Science
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Claudio OrellanoData Scientist
/about/claudio.jpgClaudio (he/him) is a Data Science Specialist at BUCHI Labortechnik AG. Coming from a mathematical and statistical background, he specialized in developing, maintaining, evaluating and designing Machine Learning algorithms. His daily work consists of coding ML algorithms and developing the surrounding architecture, such as APIs and databases. Outside of work, Claudio is an avid Tennis player who always looks for a challenge.
Michelle DiazMachine Learning Engineer
mich.jpgMichelle (she/her) is a Computer Scientist, currently working as a Machine Learning Engineer. She has led and developed projects in areas such as NLP for disease prediction and Computer Vision for ID fraud prevention. Her day to day consists in solving scientific and engineering challenges, building data pipelines and putting ML models into production. She is the co-creator of nonprofit communities such as AI Learners and Technolatinas.

Topics we’re passionated about

  • Reproducible Machine Learning
  • Chemometrics
  • MLOps
  • ML in Production